The scope of the trainings outlined above was offered to the partners at the kick-off meeting and agreed during the subsequent e-mail communications between the project partners and also with the first engaged stakeholders.
The centre provides training for the metrologists, i.e. the ways how to establish a correct traceability (calibrations and verifications) of the eye-tonometers and of the respective instrumental standards. The training is based on the good practice guidelines developed during the project inTENSE, which in turn reflect the relevant international standards, e.g. ISO 8612, and OIML recommendation as well as the German guidelines, Leitfaden zu messtechnischen Kontrollen von Medizinprodukten mit Messfunktion (Guidelines for metrological checks on medical devices with a measuring function, LMKM), and the Czech regulations.
The trainings started in January 2022 when two colleagues from Bosnia and Herzegovina took part. It was followed by a training of six people of the NMIs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and North Macedonia in June 2022. Trainings were held at CMI - Most, Czech Republic.
please acces the link below to see photos..